25-27 Sep 2024 Palaiseau (France)

Description of the conference :


The aim of this conference is to bring together mathematicians and physicists working on fields related to cosmology, which has been the object of tremendous investigations in the past few years.

Properties of the gravitational wave background have been thoroughly explored in recent years, including their generation, propagation and detection. Progress has also been made in a unified description of weak and strong gravitational lensing, as well as in numerical and analytical analysis of the large scale structure of the universe. New properties of inflationary and de Sitter spacetimes have been uncovered, both at the classical and quantum level. In contrast, for alternative theories of gravitation with good ultraviolet behaviour, such as string theory, we now have a more rigorous understanding of why de Sitter-type solutions cannot emerge. Significant results have been reached in the design of valid quintessence scenarios using the dynamical systems approach to differential equations.

On the mathematical side, successes have been achieved toward understanding the nature of the big bang singularity and the behaviour of general solutions in its vicinity. The stability of FLRW solutions has also been the subject of various studies.

The conference will take place in Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, from September 25th to September 27th.

Registration is free but mandatory. Some fundings may be available for graduate students. For this, don't hesitate to write at cosmology@sciencesconf.org

Speakers :

David Andriot
Nikos Athanasiou
Léo Bigorgne
Stéphane Colombi
Giulia Cusin
David Fajman
Gemma Hood
Julien Larena
Scott Melville
Jan Sbierski
Volker Schlue
Leonardo Senatore

Organisation commitee

Grigorios Fournodavlos, Cécile Huneau, Jérome Perez, Marios Petropoulos, Sébastien Renaux-Petel


Fonds Alexandre Friedmann
Ecole Polytechnique

Housing suggestions

Hôtel du Lion https://paris-hotel-lion.com/fr/

Hôtel des Mines https://www.hotel-desmines-paris.com/fr/

Hôtel du Brésil https://www.hoteldubresil.com/fr/index.html

Hôtel Sunny https://www.hotelsunny.com/

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